Extractos de microalga azul y resveratrol para un nuevo renacimiento de la piel senescente

Time: 12:50 pm - 1:10 pm

Date: 23/10/24

23-10-24 12:50 23-10-24 13:10 Europe/London Extractos de microalga azul y resveratrol para un nuevo renacimiento de la piel senescente

Bicoblue® is a skin superfood delivery system incorporating fresh blue microalgae and resveratrol extracts to energise cells, clean up senescence and repair tissues, giving the skin a reset and new beginning. Our studies show the synergistic effect of these extracts when stabilised in Bicosomes® and delivered into deep skin layers, such as the boosting collagen… Read more »



Bicoblue® is a skin superfood delivery system incorporating fresh blue microalgae and resveratrol extracts to energise cells, clean up senescence and repair tissues, giving the skin a reset and new beginning. Our studies show the synergistic effect of these extracts when stabilised in Bicosomes® and delivered into deep skin layers, such as the boosting collagen production, cell renewal and deep skin detox. Bicoblue® is a 100% natural product, free from toxics and China Compliant.


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