CLAIMS: cómo crear un signo de distinción como apoyo a la identidad de marca

Time: 3:50 pm - 4:10 pm

Date: 24/10/24

24-10-24 15:50 24-10-24 16:10 Europe/London CLAIMS: cómo crear un signo de distinción como apoyo a la identidad de marca

The market nowadays is full of options and innovative formulations for the final customer; what is really differentiating it is not the functional benefit but the message and the narration that is done around the product features. Complife has settled an innovative approach to formulate the correct premise for testing, in order to guide its… Read more »



The market nowadays is full of options and innovative formulations for the final customer; what is really differentiating it is not the functional benefit but the message and the narration that is done around the product features.

Complife has settled an innovative approach to formulate the correct premise for testing, in order to guide its clients toward a product that can differentiate itself from the market and contribute to create a brand of success.

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