
V/WA™ is a fully vertically integrated product, completely controlling the three steps of the process: D/scover, Develop and Del/ver. V/WA™ is the active ingredient obtained from the fermentation of a newly identified Alteromonas species: Alteromonas lipotrueae.
V/WA™ relaxes expression wrinkles acting along the three steps of neuromuscular communication: neuritogenesis & neuronal migration, synaptic vesicles recycling and muscle contraction. V/WA™ smoothed wrinkles on crow’s feet, the forehead and even those challenging hidden wrinkles that are revealed to the world when smiling or frowning.





As we age, skintropy, the chaos/disorder in our skin, increases. Hence, there is an impairment of proper protein folding ending in stress in the cell’s endoplasmic reticulum. Skintropy increases during the day until it reaches a maximum level in the evening. This leads to a fluctuation of wrinkles’s appearance which we call the Wrinkle’s Daily Cycle (WDC), where evening wrinkles are more pronounced than morning ones. Poptide™ is a cyclic peptide that organizes skintropy by raising BiP and calreticulin (folding optimizers) improving protein folding. Poptide™ acts on the WDC by reducing morning & evening wrinkles, redefining the wrinkle’s daily fluctuation.